Sea Bags
507 Washington Street
Please contact for hours.
Sea Bags are born as sails and transformed into nautically inspired totes and accessories that bring our customers great happiness. You see, we believe that sails soak up sun, salt, smiles, and adventure.
Of course we clean our sails before we make them into bags, but our materials retain the essence of what they once were, where they've been and what they've done. It's this previous life that makes each bag unique. Our materials come from Maine first, New England second, and USA third. We use one of the last remaining thread manufacturers in the U.S. and one of a few rope manufacturers in New England. And our sail supply chain? Well, that's as local as it gets. We collect our sails one at a time through a network of passionate boaters who love our community waters as much as we do.
Our bags are designed and sewn in a building that hangs over the water. We're located on Custom House Wharf in the heart of Portland's working waterfront. It's an unconventional location to be sure. But we think the sound of seagulls and the smell of bait from the local lobster boats is an important part of the character of our bags.